Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week of November 8-12

On Monday we started our My Fathers World Adventures program. We looked threw all out books, our student pages, and what we will be learning. The kids and I are so excited.
This was the snack we made the first day, a red, white and blue snack. It is yogurt, Blue berries, and strawberries. The Start to our "I can do all Things" art program. We are going to do all the pages
and keep them in a binder for a portfolio. My kids love art.

Did a Little yard work to keep us outside while we can. Karina loves sweeping all the leaves and believe me we have more then any one yard every needs

. Karina working on her 1st grade work. Hannah Working on her Map

On Friday we joined a few other home education families and took advantage of the last wonderful weather of the season and played a game of kick ball.

Our first week in review. Not to exciting but we feel really good about it. We need to start somewhere. I will have to say it is an amazing thing what home educating families do for their kids. My hat goes off to them. This is going to be an amazing journey for sure. I hope I can get in a groove soon and be able to get the stuff I want to get done done. I think that is going to be a struggle.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Where we are now....

Well a little back ground for my blog to start off. My children are in 9th, 6th, 3rd, 2nd, an 1st grade. They have been in the public school system up until this year. I have wanted to home educate my children since my oldest hit school age and have always come up with a reason why I could not do it. I lost my job last November, my children have hit a wall in their lives and really it was just time to say enough is enough. I pulled my oldest from public school right away at the start of the school year. I was going to leave the others in because I figured I could not do them all. Well as the days and weeks went on it became more and more clear to me that it was time. God spoke to my heart very clearly that I needed to help my children, help my family. So I pulled all but my 3rd grader on October 8th. Well my 1st grader came home after two weeks in school this year because she ended up with a sever allergic reaction and I just never sent her back. I have chosen to leave my 3rd grader in her special ed program at the public school for the rest of this year. I hope to have her home next year also. I want all my children out of the public school system. I could go on and on of why but I feel at this point it does not mater. What matters is where we go from here. So the kids and I have spent the past 4 weeks getting ready, spending time together, getting our room together and picking out our curriculum. Everyone is very excited to start and my children are HAPPY!! That is what matters to me right now. So we are officially starting out home education on Monday November 8th.

So here is what we have chosen to do this year.

My Fathers World 1 st grade

My Fathers World Adventures Basic Set

My Fathers World Adventures Deluxe Set

Apologia Zoology 2

Explode The Code
Sue Patrick's Workbox System

We will also be doing all this using the workbox system to keep us organized and moving along.
So we are going to start off using all these items as we go along we will be adding in Math, Language arts, and Spelling. Like I said my kids are really excited and happy, I am very nervous and hoping it goes well. It is been a lot of work to get started and I know I am making way to much out of all this.
ready or not here we GO!!!